Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 10, 2024

All Because of Jesus

Hebrews 12:18-29

Series: Highlights in Hebrews

1. Context

• connection to the warning of 12:14-17
• no turning back: a contrast between two mountains

2. Reflect on the Terror of Sinai 18-21

• material indicators of God’s holy presence (Ex. 19:12-13)
• terrified response of the people and Moses

3. Recognize the Joy of Zion 22-24

• Zion: from booming threat to blessed assurance
• summary of its superiority: celebration, registration, authorization, completion, mediation, revelation (Num. 3:40-43)

4. Put the Truth to Work 25-29

• See to it: a warning based on a lesser/greater perspective (Hag. 2:6)
• Let us be grateful
• Let us offer worship (Rom. 12:1, Deut. 4:24)
Since you are receiving a kingdom that can’t be shaken, express gratitude and offer worship to God.
• Encouragement from the saints (Heb. 11): “Give us the wings of faith to rise within the veil, and see the saints above, how great their joys, how bright their glories be. We ask them whence their victory came: they, with united breath, ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, their triumph to his death. They marked the footsteps that he trod, his zeal inspired their breast, and, following their incarnate God, possess the promised rest.” (Watts, “Give Us the Wings of Faith”)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 3, 2024

How Should We Then Live?

Hebrews 10:19-25

Series: Highlights in Hebrews

1. Background

• connection with and continuation of 4:4-16
• applying the reality of Christ’s priesthood to daily life
Because of the reality of Christ’s priesthood, live in a way that reflects its privileges.

2. Two Distinct Privileges (19-21)

• the contrast of confident access
• the contrast of an infinitely qualified priest

3. Three Practical Applications (22-25)

• draw near: a life of faith-based worship-truth, assurance, freedom and renewal
• hold fast: a life of truth-based hope-unswerving confession grounded in God’s character
• consider how: a life of love-based community-stirring, not neglecting, encouraging

4. So What?

• “The Christian is a man…who lives with his heavenly destiny ever in full view. His outlook is not bounded by the present life and the present world. He sees that which is and that which is to come in their true proportions and in their proper perspective. The centre of gravity of his consciousness lies not in the present but in the future. Hope, not possession, is that which gives tone and colour to his life. His is the frame of mind of the heir who knows himself entitled to large treasures upon which he will enter at a definite point of time.” (G. Vos)
• “Before the throne of God above, I have a strong and perfect plea, a great High Priest whose name is love, who ever lives and pleads for me…” (C. Smith, “Before the Throne of God Above”)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 27, 2024

Cause for Confidence

Hebrews 4:14-5:10

Series: Highlights in Hebrews

1. Introduction

• context of this passage: 3:1, 4:11-13
• two key concepts: perseverance and prayer
Since Jesus is your great and sympathetic High Priest, persevere and pray.

2. Command 1: Hold Fast (Persevere) 14

• clarifying the concept of “confession”
• Jesus: alive, with God, Son of God
• transcendence and immanence

3. Command 2: Draw Near (Pray) 15-16

• sympathizing yet sinless
• how we draw near
• what we may expect: reception of mercy and gracious help
• not scolded for being needy

4. Comparison and Contrast 1-10

• humanity of Aaron (1-4)
• humanity of Jesus (5-10)

5. So What?

• Affirm the vital connection between perseverance and prayer.
• “Did we in our own strength confide, our striving would be losing, were not the right man on our side, the man of God’s own choosing. Dost ask who that may be? Christ Jesus, it is He; Lord Sabaoth His name, from age to age the same; and He must win the battle…” ( Luther, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”)
• “Plenteous grace with Thee is found, grace to cover all my sin; let the healing streams abound; make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the fountain art; freely let me take of Thee; spring Thou up within my heart, rise to all eternity.” (Wesley, “Jesus Lover of My Soul”)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 20, 2024

Obedience in the Wilderness

Hebrews 3:7-4:13

Series: Highlights in Hebrews

1. Background

• connection to 3:1-6
• sermon based on Psalm 95 which probes the principle of perseverance
Because your response to God’s revelation has eternal consequences, persevere in faith and obedience.

2. Warning from the Past: The Wilderness History of Israel 3:7-19

• checkered history of God’s people
• invitation and warning in Psalm 95
• take care and exhort one another
• consequence of failure to hold original confidence

3. Encouragement for the Present: The Promise of Entering His Rest 4:1-13

• God’s rest at creation
• rest in the Promised Land in Joshua’s day
• a remaining rest: strive to enter it (Matt. 11:28-30)
• the diagnostic capacity of the word of God

4. So What?

• Pray for heightened sensitivity to the voice of God.
• Identify and exterminate relics of rebellion in your life.
• Trust, don’t trifle with, the promises of God.
• Determine to finish well. “Stick” the landing to the glory of God!
• “Through many dangers, toils and snares…” (J. Newton)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 6, 2024

Series on Psalms For Sonburst

Navigating Your Soul’s Dark Night

Psalms 77

1. Background

• psalm of Asaph: musician and friend of David
• movement from self-focus to God-preoccupation

2. Desperate Crying 1-3

• audible (Heb. 5:7)
• persistent (Gen. 37:35)
• perplexed

3. Desperate Confession 4-9

• sleepless nights and speechless days
• summoning the good old days
• searching questions (Psa. 17:7; 103:8)

4. Desperate Contemplation 10-15

• a turning point: remembering publicly and privately
• a focus on the facts of God’s dealings with His people (Ex. 15:11)

5. Desperate Confirmation 16-20

• reflection on events at the Red Sea and Sinai
• connection to Christ: perspective from the Aaronic Blessing (Num. 6:22-27)

6. So What?

Because God always is holy and faithful, rehearse His consistent character in your soul’s dark night.
• “Oh, what peace we often forfeit…” (Scriven, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”)
• “We will remember. We will remember. We will remember the works of your hands. We will stop and give you praise, for great is Thy faithfulness.” (Walker, “We Will Remember”)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 29, 2024

Series on Psalms For Sonburst

Blessed to Be a Blessing

Psalms 67:1-7

1. Background

• a psalm with covenantal connections (Gen. 12:1-3)
• likely a psalm of harvest time

2. Petition for Favor with a Flow 1-3

• echo of the Aaronic Blessing (Num. 6:24-26)
• extension of life-giving knowledge (2 Tim. 3:14-17)
• a repeated refrain with a request

3. Celebration of Judgment and Providence 4-5

• the merging of strength and tenderness
• unimpeachable righteousness addressing universal imperfection

4. Anticipation of Spreading Blessing 6-7

• a missionary psalm
• material wealth for the sake of the world’s worship
• decisive fulfillment in Jesus Christ (Gal. 3:13-14)

5. So What?

Because God aims to be known and worshiped among the nations, deploy the resources He entrusts to you for His glory.
• What matters most is man’s need of God Himself.
• Mirror the psalmist’s zeal for the nations to rejoice in the knowledge of the true God. (Matt. 28:19-20)

“Shine, Jesus, shine. Fill this land with the Father’s glory. Blaze, Spirit, blaze. Set our hearts on fire. Flow, river, flow. Flood the nations with grace and mercy. Send forth Your word, Lord, and let there be light.” (Kendrick, “Shine, Jesus, Shine”)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 22, 2024

Series on Psalms For Sonburst

Though the Mountains Be Moved

Psalms 46:1-11

1. He Cannot Crumble in Times of Chaos (1-3)

• well-proved and battle-tested
• abundantly available for help in tight places
• picture of stability

2. His Presence Conquers Confusion (4-7)

• not remote or inaccessible
• not defeated
• LORD of hosts

3. His Control Enables Confidence (8-11)

• two double commands: come, behold… and be still, and know…
• not deterred
• Hush!
• God of Jacob
• stronghold

4. So What?

Because the LORD is your only refuge, rely on Him to see you through the storm.
• Remember the frailty of this life.
• Recognize the foolishness of theological subjectivity.
• Make the connection to Christ: Psalm 2:1-12; 110:1, Matt. 7:24-27, Heb. 12:1-3
• ”Though the mountains may fall and the hills turn to dust, yet the love of the Lord will stand as a shelter for all who will call on His name. Sing the praise and the glory of God.” (Schutte, “Though the Mountains May Fall”)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 15, 2024

Series on Psalms For Sonburst

Sustained by Steadfast Love

Psalms 36:1-12

1. Background

• psalm of David intended for public worship
• psalm of powerful contrasts: human wickedness and divine goodness

2. Revelation of the Wicked Man’s Outlook 1-4

• dedication to transgression and absence of the fear of God (Psa. 16:8)
• self-flattery that disregards sin
• deceptive speech and active engagement in evil (Rom. 1:18-32)

3. Meditation on the LORD’S Attributes 5-9

• insurmountable love and faithfulness
• unfathomable righteousness and judgments
• comprehensive refuge and abundance

4. Petition for Continuation of Benefits 10-12

• steadfast love and righteousness
• preservation from the wicked
• anticipation of the demise of the wicked

5. So What?

Because of the LORD’S faithful love, live safely and securely in a world dominated by godlessness.
• Remember that the LORD’S steadfast love “is too great to grasp and too good to let slip.” (D. Kidner)
• connection to Christ: Rom. 5:8; Col. 1:13-14; Heb. 4:16
• “I love you, Lord. Your mercy never fails me. All my days, I’ve been held in Your hands. From the moment that I wake up until I lay my head, I will sing of the goodness of God.” (Johnson, “Goodness of God”)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 25, 2024

Grace in a Tight Place

Psalms 4:1-8

Series: Psalms For Sonburst

1. Background

• evening psalm that focuses on peace in a distracting situation
• connection to Psalm 3 and use in public worship

2. Enriched Prayer 1

• steadying appeal to the LORD’S character in a time of distress
• urgent confidence and relief through making space

3. Focused Application 2-6

• for the slanderer (2-3)
• for the impulsive (4-5)
• for the despairing (6)

4. Fruitful Reality 7-8

• massive joy
• deep peace

5. So What?

Because the LORD is the source of security and peace, cultivate a constant awareness of His personal and protective grace.
• “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace…” (Gal. 5:22)
• Yield to the text and remember how the LORD regards you. (Rom. 8:1, 31-38)
• “What have I to dread, what have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace with my Lord so near…” (Hoffman)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 18, 2024

Crisis Management: A Biblical Response

Psalms 3:1-8

Series: Psalms For Sonburst

1. Confidence in the LORD’S Character when the Crisis Arises (1-3)

• circumstances: King David faces disloyalty and discouragement when Absalom rebels
• increasing opposition
• immediate cry
• insightful expressions: shield, glory, lifter of my head

2. Rehearsal of the LORD’S Care during the Crisis (4-6)

• perspective shift: from speaking directly to the LORD to speaking about the LORD
• protective care that sustains
• protective care that inspires

3. Appeal to the LORD as the Cause of Deliverance from the Crisis (7-8)

• requests: arise and deliver
• anticipation of complete deliverance
• recognition of the sole source of deliverance

4. So What?

Because of the LORD’S character and care, determine to serve Him confidently when crisis comes.
• connection to Christ: Matt. 26:30; 2 Sam. 15:30, Rom. 8:31
• “Get theological.” (Begg)

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