Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 25, 2015

“Not a Problem!” Genesis 15:1-6 Bible Study 10/25/15

After having considered the Lord’s calling of Abram and the Lord’s faithfulness to him, our focus this morning turns to the Lord’s power and His capacity to address the seemingly impossible problems in our lives.

I. Don’t Fear: The Lord is your Shield and Reward

-significance of “After these things…”

II. Don’t Fret: The Lord is the Owner of all

-Abram’s address:”…O Lord GOD…”
-Eliezer of Damascus: slave as heir?
-Abram: father of any/many
-“…the word of the LORD came…”
-“…your very own son…”
-“…So shall your offspring be.”

III. Do Delight: The Lord wants you to know His will

-when promise and problem intersect
-repetition, clarification and expansion
-commentary of Psalm 147:3-4

IV. Do Depend: The Lord keeps His promises

-verse 6: believed…counted…righteousness
-repeated in Rom. 4:3, Gal. 4:6, Jas. 2:23
-The Lord’s confirmation points us to the cross (Gen. 15:7-20)
-Isaiah 45:22

V. So what?

-Because the Lord has the power to protect you and provide for you, understand that your circumstances pose no problem for Him.
-Expect Him to be what you call Him.
-“I am the God of the stars, They do not lose their way, Not one do I mislay, Their times are in my hand, They move at my command.” (A. Carmichael)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 18, 2015

“Father Abraham Has Many Sons…” Genesis 12:1-9 Bible Study 10/18/15

This morning we turn our attention to the call of Abram who was later designated by the Lord as “Abraham.” Despite his flaws, this man is called the “friend of God” and is cited in Hebrews 11 as an example of one with God-pleasing faith. The Lord’s call and his response are the twin emphases in our text.

I. Acknowledge two major divisions in Genesis

-Genesis 1-11
-Genesis 12-50

II. Recognize the important role of Abraham

-role in redemption
-recipient of promises: land/nation/blessing
-designation as the “friend of God”

III. Reflect on the call of Abraham (1)

-ancient city of Ur
-a command with escalating consequences
-Acts 7 and Genesis 12:1

IV. Examine the Lord’s covenant with Abraham (2-3)
-provisions of security and significance
-fulfillment in Jesus Christ

V. Observe the response of Abraham (4-9)

-mobilization at age 75
-commentary of Hebrews 11:8-10
-a prepared altar
-a pitched tent

VI. So what?

-Knowing that the Lord keeps His promises, respond to His word with an obedient faith that mobilizes and magnifies.
-Stand on the promises and refuse to “sit on the premises.”
-See yourself as a sojourner.
-Remember your status as “a child of the King.”

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 11, 2015

“Babble at Babel” Genesis 11:1-9 Bible Study 10/11/15

The story of the tower of Babel reminds us of the futility of human rebellion and warns us of the danger of pride.

I. Introduction

-table of nations (Gen. 10)
-Babel (Gen. 10:10)

II. Man proposes 1-4

-key word: “come”
-one language…
-eastward migration to Shinar
-make bricks…build city/tower…make name…
-disregard for God’s word (Gen. 9:1)

III. God disposes 5-9

-divine inspection
-divine evaluation
-divine interruption

IV. So what?

-When you attempt to raise yourself in pride, expect God to bring you down in confusion.
-A repeated reminder: God has declared war on pride. (Prov. 3:34, James 4:6, Luke 18:14)
-Exult in the invitation of Matt. 11:28-30.
-“Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, in Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail…” (Grant)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 4, 2015

No audio today due to equipment malfunction.

“The Ark and Your Anchor” Genesis 7:1-8:19 Bible Study 10/04/15

The biblical account of the flood tells us about a deluge of water, a specifically designed boat, the ingathering of animals and the preservation of Noah’s family. While these matters are important, they point us to the matter of greatest importance. The ultimate focus of Genesis 7-8 is the character of the living God.

I. Two lessons from the life of Noah

-Respond actively to the revelation you’ve received.
-Relish practically the reality that God remembers you.

II. Consider the scope of the flood

-language of text
-lesson in NT

III. Four flood theology observations

-Observe the mercy of God.
-Observe the faithfulness of God.
-Observe the patience of God.
-Observe the justice of God.

IV. So what?

-Receive the offered deliverance.
-Resolve to join the rescue team.
-connection to Jesus
-Hebrews 6:19!
-Because of who God is, you can have hope!

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 27, 2015

“Noah and ‘The No-Spin Zone’” Genesis 6:9-22; Heb. 11:7 Bible Study 09/27/15

Genesis 6 records the story of Noah in the days preceding the Great Flood. This timeless story is frequently twisted and misapplied. This morning our objective is to let God’s word tell the facts about Noah’s experience. The Lord saved, preserved and used him to make a lasting impact on his generation and the generations that followed.

I. No Spin: Glean the key insights (9-13)

-Noah found grace. He did not earn it.
-How the Lord sees all people: righteous or unrighteous.
-Our inconsistency doesn’t invite interest.
-The Lord is neither apathetic nor surprised.

II. No Spin: Observe the instructions to Noah (14-21)

-Build the ark for survival and not navigation
-The size of the ark: sufficient
-The typology of the ark: keeping out and letting in…

III. No Spin: Examine the obedience of Noah (22 and Heb. 11:7)


IV. So what?

-When you take the Lord’s word seriously, you can have a lasting impact for His glory.
-Biblical faith includes both a backward and forward look.
-Holiness: the habit of agreeing with God’s judgment, hating what He hates, loving what He loves and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His word. (J. C. Ryle)
-“He who does not believe God will punish sin will not believe that He will pardon it through His atoning blood.” (Spurgeon)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 20, 2015

Guest speaker: David Norman

“Man’s Fall and God’s Grace in the Garden” Genesis 3:1-7, 15 Bible Study

We are tempted when we ____________________
God’s Word

the __________________ of God’s Word (v.1)
the __________________ of God’s Word (v. 4)
the __________________ of God’s Word (v. 5)

We sin when we ____________________________
God’s Word (v.6)

We find hope when we ____________________________
God’s Grace

the grace of ___________________ (v. 7)
the grace of ___________________ (v. 7)
the grace of ___________________ (v. 15)

Even in the depths of sin, God’s grace is made available to you in the person of Jesus Christ.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 13, 2015

“Image is Everything” Genesis 1:26-31 Bible Study 09/13/15

To say that we live in an “image-conscious” culture these days would quickly earn us the title of “Captain Obvious.” Sadly, much of the current emphasis on “image” is externally focused and biblically substandard. This morning we will consider the “real” image as we look at the biblical affirmation of humans being created in the image of God. When you grasp the truth that humans are made in the image of God, you gain a biblical understanding of human nature.

I. Reflect the Person of God

-image/likeness emphasis
-“let us make…”
-the issue of image
-personality, morality, spirituality

II. Connect with your assignment


III. Reject sub-biblical standards

-devaluation of image
-deification of image
-disregard of image

IV. Three timeless applications

-the value of human life: image of God
-the meaning of human life: enjoyment of God
-the destiny of human life: presence of God

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 6, 2015

“Let’s Start At the Very Beginning” Gen. 1:1; Rom. 1:20 Bible Study 09/06/15

Genesis 1-11 has rightly been called the “seedbed” of Scripture. In these chapters the reader finds the foundation for every doctrine essential to the Christian faith. As we begin our study of Genesis this morning, we will be reminded that one’s view of creation and, specifically, the Genesis account is the starting point of his or her entire worldview. Belief in a supernatural and personal God who made all things is the sole basis for believing you have any purpose or destiny.

I. Discover the first universal fact: God

-the Bible and the existence of God
-distinct and prior
-incommunicable attributes
-fact then act

II. Discover the first universal act: creation

-contrasting naturalism and the Bible
-functional summary: five elements
-“bara” and “ex nihilo” creation
-theater of God’s glory

III. Discover the first foundational issue: God’s glory

-radical God-centeredness
-glory: surpassing worth/value
-God’s pleasure in His creation
-Adore the Self-Exalting Architect!
-Recognize the creation/redemption connection

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 30, 2015

“All Things New” Revelation 21:1-8 Bible Study 08/30/15

In understanding the flow of the book of Revelation, one can view chapters 4-5 (the Person) and chapters 21-22 (the Place) as bookends of end-times events. This morning, as we focus on Revelation 21, we see the progression from judgment to joy and from terror to triumph. The final destination of the believer is a new creation that springs into being at the command of God. He promises to make all things new. His promise to make all things new eternally should make a powerful impact on your life presently.

I. Consider the content of God’s promise

-a new creation: freed from imperfection (1-2)
-a new confirmation: faith becomes sight (3)
-a new condition: former things pass away (4-5)

II. Consider the proper present response

-patiently endure
-urgently evangelize
-personally examine (6-8)
-fervently exalt

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 23, 2015

Guest speaker: Adam Mallette

“Satan is Cast out of Heaven” Revelation 12:1-17 Adam Mallette Bible Study 08/23/15

Main Idea: Satan is overcome by a blood-bought and obedient testimony.

I. A Preemptive Strike: The Woman, The Dragon and The Baby (1-6)

II. The Heavenly Battle (7-12)

III. The Earthly Battle (13-17)

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