Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for August 10, 2008

Guest Speaker: Dr. Christopher Graham.

Dr. Graham graduated from DTS in May, 2008, with a Phd.

“Keeping Faith in the Midst of Persecution” – 1 Peter 2

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for August 3, 2008

Guest Speaker: Dr. Christopher Graham.
Dr. Graham is a May, 2008, DTS graduate.

“The Glory of Jesus Christ” – Colossians 1:15-23

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for July 27, 2008

Guest Speaker: Dr. Christopher Graham.
Dr. Graham is a May, 2008, DTS graduate.

“Moses’ I-don’t-get-it Moment” – Exodus 2:11-3:12

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for July 20, 2008

“Christ, the Irresistible Answer to our deepest Needs” – John 1

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for July 13, 2008

Guest Speaker: Dr. Christopher Graham.
Dr. Graham is a May, 2008, DTS graduate.

“Faith requires Patience” – Psalm 40

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for July 6, 2008

Not Available

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 29, 2008

Guest Speaker: Dr. Christopher Graham.
Dr. Graham is a May, 2008, DTS graduate.

“Abraham’s Marriage and God’s Covenant” – Genesis 12, 16; Ephesians 5:21-32

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 22, 2008

Guest Speaker: Dr. Christopher Graham.
Dr. Graham is a May, 2008, DTS graduate.

“The Marriage of Abraham and Sarah” – Genesis 12:1-3

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 15, 2008

“A False View of Grace” – Jude

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 8, 2008

“The Story of Three Guys” – 3 John

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