Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 22, 2016

“Forward Progress” Acts 9:31-43 Bible Study 05/22/16

This morning we turn our attention to a powerful account of the early church’s progress which is rooted in the power of Jesus. After observing the status of the church following Paul’s return to Tarsus, we will examine two key miracles which point to its continuing progress for the glory of God.

I. Observe the Atmosphere (31)

-previously: persecution, violence, scattering…
-now: peace, edification
-moving forward with fear and comfort

II. Note the Progress Connected to a Paralytic’s Healing (32-35)

-from Paul to Peter
-Lydda: Samaritan territory
-Aeneas and paralysis
-correspondence to Luke 5:24
-credit to Jesus
-…and they turned to the Lord.

III. Note the Progress Connected to the Drama of a Dead Woman’s Restoration (36-43)

-Joppa: 10 miles from Lydda
-Tabitha/Dorcas: excels in serving
-death and grief
-…washed…upper room.
-request for Peter
-restoration: correspondence to Luke 8:40-56 and 1 Kings 17:17-24
-…and many believed in the Lord.
-hint of more progress to come: verse 43

IV. So What?

-Because Jesus is the supernatural power source behind the church, trust Him to transform circumstances and transform people.
-Abandon hand-wringing for heart-singing!
-“The church shall never perish! Her dear Lord to defend, To guide, sustain and cherish, Is with her to the end: Though there be those who hate her, And false sons in her pale, Against both foe and traitor, She ever will prevail. Though with a scornful wonder, Men see her sore oppressed, By schisms rent asunder, By heresies distressed: Yet saints their watch are keeping, Their cry goes up, ‘How long?’, And soon the night of weeping, Shall be the morn of song! (Samuel Stone, 1866)
-“This is my Father’s world, Should my heart be ever sad? The Lord is King-let the heavens ring, God reigns-let the earth be glad.” (Maltbie Babcock, 1901)
-Savor the sense of being a part of something that is supernatural and unstoppable!

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 15, 2016

“From Persecution to Proclamation” Acts 9:1-20 Bible Study 05/15/16

Our text this morning focuses on the dramatic conversion experience of Saul of Tarsus. The significance of his conversion is indicated by the fact that there are three accounts of it recorded in Acts. The sovereignty of the Lord Jesus in initiating and orchestrating this conversion, when it is considered carefully, is absolutely stunning!

I. Introduction

-observations regarding “shocker” conversions
-major emphases: Holy Spirit, Church growth/health, external/internal opposition
-context: following Stephen’s stoning and Philip’s encounter
-conversion accounts: Acts 9, 22, 26

II. Intercepted by Jesus (1-6)

-extensive opposition
-sovereign initiative
-light and voice
-sovereign interrogation
-first orders

III. Orchestration according to Sovereignty (7-20)

-speechless companions
-significant blindness
-agency of Ananias
-election of Saul: chosen instrument
-synagogue “shock”

IV. So What?

-Because the Lord Jesus is sovereign and sufficient in saving sinners, you can have hope for yourself and for the people you long to see converted.
-Connect persecution and proclamation (Phil. 3:12)
– “Healthy things grow…Growing things change…Change challenges us…Challenge forces us to trust God…Trust leads to obedience…Obedience makes us healthy…Healthy things grow” (J. Ryle)
-“Understand that God had you in mind when he saved Saul (1 Tim. 1:15-16).” (Piper)
-Joyfully recognize that Christianity is a converting religion.
-“O, how I love Jesus, because He first loved me…” (F. Whitfield, 1855)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 8, 2016

Guest speaker: David Norman

“And It Was No Big Deal” Acts 8:26-39 Bible Study 05/08/16

Philip obeyed. . . and it was no big deal (v. 26–30a).

Philip shared the gospel. . . and it was no big deal (v. 30b–35).

The Eunuch was baptized. . . and it was no big deal (v. 35–36).

The Problem is that we see that which should be as ordinary as extraordinary.

Perhaps the reason is that we’ve come to see that which should be as extraordinary as ordinary.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 1, 2016

“Addressing an In-House Issue” Acts 6:1-7 Bible Study 05/01/16

Our text this morning addresses another internal crisis that threatened the health of the early church. The manner in which the apostles and fellowship of believers handled the matter of neglected widows is instructive and enlightening for the church today.

I. Introduction

-another internal issue
-previously: deception
-presently: dissension
-threat to church health and growth
-specific challenges: making provision/maintaining priority

II. Potential for Conflict (1-2)

-Hellenists and Hebrews
-neglected in the daily distribution
-business meeting
-the Word of God and serving tables

III. Solving the Problem (3-7)

-congregational involvement
-selection of seven: delegation
-affirmation of apostolic intent
-Stephen and Philip…
-prayer and commissioning
-result: health/growth

IV. So What?

-When the church functions in the power of the Holy Spirit, pressing needs are met and the priority of the Word is affirmed.
-“The life of the church hangs on the Word of God.” (Deut. 8:3; Matt. 4:4) (Piper)
-Prioritize prayer and the ministry of the Word.
-Cultivate an every member is a minister mentality.
-Commit and contribute to church unity.
-“Speak, O Lord, and renew our minds. Help us grasp the heights of Your plans for us. Truths unchanged from the dawn of time that will echo down through eternity. And by grace we’ll stand on Your promises. And by faith we’ll walk as You walk with us. Speak, O Lord, till Your church is built and the earth is filled with Your glory.” (Getty/Townend)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 24, 2016

“Facts and Faithfulness” Acts 5: 25-42 Bible Study 04/24/16

Following the sudden demise of Ananias and Sapphira and a period of unprecedented fruitfulness and expansion, persecution of the early church intensifies and reaches a new level. In our text this morning we encounter heightened opposition to the name of Jesus. We also find a radical obedience on the part of disciples that produces joy in the midst of severe trial.

I. Setting and Context

-exhibition and expansion (12-16)
-arrest fueled by jealousy (17-18)
-angelic intervention (19-21)
-missing prisoners (22-24)

II. Deliverance and Opposition (25-28)

-surprising report
-cautious arrest
-strictly charged
-bring this man’s blood upon us

III. Authority and Explanation (29-32)

-principle of authority
-proclamation of facts
* crucifixion
* resurrection
* ascension

IV. Rage and Reason (33-39)

-response of rage
-reason of Gamaliel
-reality of opposing God

V. Pain and Perspective (40-42)

-flogging and a futile charge
-joyful perspective
-continuation in commendation of Jesus

VI. So What?

-Because God’ authority is supreme and His faithfulness is sure, faithfully declare the facts of Jesus in the face of opposition.
-To whom are we commending Jesus?
-Recognize the productivity of persecution.
-Pray for the persecuted church. Pray also for the un-persecuted church!
-Avoid the anesthesia of American addiction to comfort.
-Acknowledge the Lord’s supreme authority-biblically!
-“Smooth seas never make for a skilled sailor.” (C. Finch)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 17, 2016

“Sudden Death: A Cause for Fear” Acts 4:36-5:1-11 Bible Study 04/17/16

Our text this morning focuses on the sinful deception of Ananias and Sapphira. The swift judgment following their sin reveals the fervor that the Lord of the Church has for the purity and holiness of His people. As it did with believers in the early church, this fervor should fill us with reverential fear.

I. Consider the context

-thriving in the midst of external opposition
-dependence and boldness
-harmony of fellowship
-shift from external to internal opposition

II. Note the distinct contrast between Barnabas and Ananias (1-6)

-But… in 5:1
-Ananias: “God is gracious” and Sapphira: “Beautiful”
-…sold property…kept back…
-Peter’s interrogation
-sudden death
-great fear

III. Observe the consequences for Sapphira (7-11)

-interval of 3 hours
-her knowledge and ignorance
-Peter’s interrogation
-…to test the Spirit of the Lord
-sudden death
-great fear

IV. So what?

-Because God has a holy fervor for the holiness of His people, serve Him with reverential fear.
-There is too little “trembling” today. (Phil. 2:12)
-Acknowledge your accountability
-“Twas grace that taught my heart to fear…” (John Newton)
-The better question:
-Contempt for severity of judgment often reveals a sub-biblical concept of sin.
-“Every sin strikes at the honor of God, the being of God, the glory of God, the heart of Christ, the joy of the Spirit and the peace of a man’s conscience.” (Thomas Boston)
-“The fundamental problem in the evangelical world today is that God rests too inconsequentially upon the Church. His truth is too distant, His grace is too ordinary, His judgment is too benign, His gospel is too easy and His Christ is too common.” (David Wells)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 10, 2016

“Holy Boldness” Acts 4:1-31 Bible Study 04/10/16

This morning we will examine a chapter which records perhaps the first case of persecution against the early church. The church’s response is instructive and exemplary for 21st century believers. A key factor that shapes the proper treatment of Acts 4 is the repetition (verse 13, 29, 31) of the word “boldness.” An understanding of this term, as used in Scripture, indicates that is an indispensable attribute for believers today. This is true, in part, because boldness was an identity-shaping element in the early church.

I. Understand the context

-healing of lame man 3:1-10
-Call for repentance 3:11-26

II. Annoying proclamation 4:1-12

-content of message
-explanation Psa. 118:22

III. Astonishing boldness 4:13-22

-perception of authorities
-confounding conference
-stern warning
-bold response
-reluctant release

IV. Anointed prayer meeting 4:23-31

-acknowledgement of sovereignty
-analysis from Scripture Psa. 2:1-2
-appeal for enablement
-answer to prayers: shaken, filled, boldness

V. So what?

-When you recognize God’s sovereignty and rely on His Spirit, you can serve Him with holy boldness.
-Boldness: “…Clear, direct communication in the face of potential opposition.” (J. McDonald)
-Boldness: “…outspokenness about the identity of Jesus.” (J. McDonald)
-“Is a Christian navigating life so as to avoid conflict? If so, it may be a clear signal that cowardice is winning out over courage.” (J. Piper)
-God loves His truth. And He means to use it to humble people, exalt His Son, and turn wimps into bold, humble, broken-hearted people.” (J. Piper)
-“To live Christianly in a culture of confusion is to live boldly.” (J. Parnell)

-Three specific applications:

*Be a person of the “Book”
*Speak the exclusivity of Jesus with clarity and without apology
*View boldness as an indicator of Holy Spirit filling

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 3, 2016

Guest speaker: David Norman.

“Why Jonah Can’t Sing” Jonah 4 Bible Study 04/3/16

Jonah Can’t Rejoice (v. 3:10–4:1)

Jonah Can’t Forgive (v. 4:2–4)

Jonah Can’t Be Thankful (v. 4:5–11)

The Problem is that Jonah Doesn’t Value what God Values.

Maybe the reason I can’t rejoice, or forgive, or be thankful is because I don’t value what God values.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 27, 2016

“Empty Tomb Impact” Luke 24:1-12 Bible Study 03/27/16

Magnificent messages can shape the trajectory of individual lives as well as entire nations (think of Matthew Henry, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr.) Yet all messages pale in comparison to the message of the church that salvation/deliverance comes through faith in the resurrected Son Of God. The message of the empty tomb has the power to change the course of one’s eternal destiny. That message, first delivered in a Jerusalem cemetery at dawn on a long-ago Sunday morning, retains a timeless impact. As we think about the empty tomb this morning, it is important that we connect it to the occupied cross that preceded it. The cross and resurrection are inseparable aspects of Christ’s saving work. The cross testifies to the truth of God’s redeeming grace. The resurrection testifies to the triumph of God’s transforming power.

I. Observe the empty tomb experience (1-3)

-context: women 23:55-56
-early dawn on Sunday
-stone rolled away
-empty tomb

II. Take note of the angelic address (4-8)

-perplexed women
-two dazzling “men”

III. Resurrection results in true amazement (9-12)

-return and report
-three women
-“too good to be true”
-Peter: running, stooping , looking and marveling

IV. So what?

-Because the truth of the empty tomb has the capacity to change your life now and forever, ceaselessly celebrate it with fixed amazement.
-Don’t forget to remember!
-“Christ’s resurrection not only gives you hope for the future; it gives you hope to handle your scars right now.” (Tim Keller)
-Are you living a life which is stupid if Christ isn’t raised from the dead?
-The whole point of Easter: that you may have God as your highest joy
-“If you do not bow/worship/trust/obey, you commit high treason against the King who is Lord over all.” (John Piper)
-“Crown Him the Lord of heav’n, Enthroned in worlds above, Crown Him the King to whom is giv’n The wondrous name of love. Crown Him with many crowns, And thrones before Him fall; Crown Him, ye kings, with many crowns, For He is Lord of all.” (M. Bridges/G. Thring)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 20, 2016

“Fulfillment and Fellowship” Acts 2:14-47 Bible Study 03/20/16

This morning, as we examine Peter’s sermon at Pentecost and the unity of the early church, we will focus on two vital concepts: fulfillment and fellowship. The pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was a direct fulfillment of prophetic promises and a testimony to the truth of the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ. As a result, the early church flourished through a supernatural fellowship. This fellowship went far beyond the “punch and cookies” variety. It led to a healthy church characterized by qualitative and quantitative growth.

I. Survey the sermon (14-41)

-correction of misapprehension
-confirmation of God’s faithfulness
-fulfillment of Joel 2:28-32
-the “paradox” of God’s plan
-foundational truths of Psalms 16:8-11 and 110:1
-conclusion: Lord and Christ!
-conviction and response: 3000 souls!

II. Focus on the fellowship (42-47)

-concentrated devotion
*apostles’ teaching
*breaking of bread
-God-centered disposition of awe
-generous distribution
-gracious development

III. So what?

-When the gospel is magnified, its adherents manifest the mission of Jesus with a profound unity.
-Prize the power of the gospel.
-Promote the unity of the church.
-Understand that Christian unity has a unique source, view, affection and aim.
-“Unless I can leave off loving Jesus Christ, I cannot cease loving those who love Him.” (Spurgeon)
-“Blest be the tie that binds, Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds, Is like to that above. Before our Father’s throne, We pour our ardent prayers; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. We share each other’s woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows, The sympathizing tear.” (John Fawcett)

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