Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for March 6, 2011

Series in Colossians / Series on Prayer (Colossians 4:2)

“Pray Persistently” – 1 Kings 18:41-46

1 Kings 18:41-46; Luke 17:30-37; 18:1-8

Introduction: Simeon the Stylite, a desert monk, a hermit, in the fourth century
(style, in Greek, means pillar). He lived on a platform atop a 60 ft. pole for
over 30 years. His disciples brought him his vegetarian food.

Rationale for the rise of monasticism: When Christians started becoming
complacent and focused on self-fulfillment in the ease of living in the era of
state-sanctioned Christianity, some sought, through self-imposed hardship, to
return to the Christ-centered focus brought by the hardship of persecution
in earlier times.

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for February 27, 2011

Series in Colossians

“Children, Obey your Parents; Slaves, obey your Masters” – Colossians 3:20-4:1

All are to submit to each other, putting others first. – Ephesians 5:21

The word, slaves, in verse 20 should be rendered: bond servants, one who
has sold himself into servitude.

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for February 20, 2011

Series in Colossians

“The Order and Structure of the Christian Home” – Colossians 3:18-21

Ephesians 5:22-4:6; 1 Peter 3:1-7

Ephesians is the “sister” letter to Colossians.

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for February 13, 2011

Series in Colossians

“Do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus” – Colossians 3:17

“The Name of God” – Exodus 34:5-7

A person’s name in Hebrew & Greek culture proclaims the person’s characteristics.

Do everything, whether spoken words or activities, in the name of the Lord Jesus.
The One who proclaimed His name as Yahweh in Exodus 34:5-7 is the Lord Jesus.
Do everything in a way that proclaims who Jesus is; that is, everything is to be
done in obedience to the Lord Jesus.

Colossians 1:15-18, 1:10, 2:6

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for February 6, 2011

“What you Believe determines how you Relate” – 2 John

“The chosen lady and her children” refers to a church and its members.

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for January 30, 2011

“The Meaning of Conversion” – Genesis 1:2; Isaiah 44:1-5, 35:1-7; Acts 2:17-18

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for January 23, 2011

“Who are we to question God’s actions in our lives?” – Job 1:1,8, 38:1-7, 42:1-3

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for January 16, 2011

Series in Colossians

“Rule of the Peace of Christ and The Word of Christ” – Colossians 3:15-17;

Ephesians 2:11-16

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for January 9, 2011

Guest speaker: Kevin Dodge

“Justice and Righteousness under the Law” – Jeremiah 22:13-15;

Deuteronomy 16:19-20, 24:17, 27:19; Isaiah 1:17, 61:8

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for January 2, 2011

“When Things don’t go the way you intended” – Psalm 119

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