Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for July 17, 2011

Series in Mark

“Heresy begins with Bible-Toters” – Mark 3:1-12

Sacred texts are the most dangerous things in the world when in the wrong hands. You can make the Bible say anything you want it to say.

Mark 3:1-6 focuses on the compassion of Christ in contrast to the Pharisees who only have concern for the letter of the law.

Mark 3:7-12 shows Jesus backing away from the multitude of those with bodily disorders in order to indicate that now is not the time when all disorders will be healed but it remains for His future return. For now, we should not be focused on healing for our bodies but on how we can show compassion to others around us, as Jesus did.

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for July 10, 2011

Series in Mark

“What should set us apart” – Mark 2:23-28

“The best definition of holiness is that you are not the same flavor as everybody else.”

Exodus 31:13-15
To be recognized as belonging to the creator of the universe, the Israelites are to work for six days and rest on the seventh because this is what God did.

Isaiah 1:11-17
The Israelites’ observance of the law and the Sabbath became meaningless.
The Sabbath and the sacrifices were all about doing them the way God said to do them because this made them stand out distinctively as a follower of the Creator of heaven and earth. Start looking like God by acting like God.

Mark 2:23-28
The Pharisees are like the people of Isaiah’s day. They were not observing the Sabbath in the way it was intended. The Pharisees forgot the mercy behind the law.

Matthew 12:11-12
To stand out as a follower of Christ, exercise justice, compassion, and mercy; love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and your neighbor as yourself.

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for July 3, 2011

Guest speaker: Kevin Dodge

“How do we live in Freedom as Christians?” – Haggai 1:1-14

16 years after Cyrus issued an edict allowing the Jews to return to Judea, in the second year of Darius, some Jews return to rebuild the temple. The returnees were met by a remnant still living in the land. Zerubbabel was the governor of Judea.

Jeremiah 31:3-9; 33:10-13
Hope for Israel after captivity yet this passage has not yet been fulfilled.

1 Corinthians 6:19
Our bodies are the temple of God.

In our freedom, we should not neglect doing the work of God.

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 26, 2011

Series in Mark

“In Forgiving Sin, Jesus shows us that we are Sinners” – Mark 2:13-20

Mark 2:1-12
Jesus introduces Himself as the One who can forgive sins and the healer of the sick. So, who are we?

Mark 2:13-17

The “righteousness of God” to Martin Luther’s generation meant God’s wrath; but, when he read in Romans 1:17 that the righteousness of God was revealed in the Gospel, he knew that the consensus of his day was not correct. Luther remained puzzled by the phrase until a man by the name of Johann von Staupitz, Doctor of Divinity and Vicar-General of the Augustinian convents in Germany, sat down with him and told him that “the righteousness of God” is not the righteousness God does but the righteousness that God gives to those who have no righteousness of their own.

So Jesus shows us that we are sinners.

Mark 2:18-20
Some ask Jesus why His disciples don’t fast.
While Jesus was present with His disciples, it was a time of celebration, not of mourning, as signified by fasting.

Footnote on Staupitz:

Although Staupitz was responsible for Luther coming to an understanding of grace and faith, Staupitz remained staunchly Catholic and condemned in Luther’s preaching what he perceived to be encouragement to license and insisted that works nevertheless played a role in salvation.

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 19, 2011

Begin the Series on the Central Beliefs of Christianity

“The Trinity – God in Three Persons” – Matthew 28:19-20

The Jesus Only Movement, or Oneness Pentecostals,
believes that Jesus is all three persons of God.

Matthew 3:13-17
However, at Jesus’ baptism, there are two other persons of God present and acting separately.

Matthew 28:19-20
“Name” in these verses should be understood to mean the name of God, who is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Praxeas was the author of a heresy known as Modalism, which states that God is one who manifests Himself at different times as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Romans 1:1-4
In this passage, Paul shows the interaction of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as separate persons.

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 12, 2011

Series in Mark

“Healing and Forgiveness mark the Coming of God” – Mark 2:1-12

Psalm 103:1-3; 25:18, 25:1-2; Isaiah 33:24, 22;
Jeremiah 33:6-8; 1 John 1:8-10

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 5, 2011

Series in Mark

“Jesus is the One you’ve been waiting for” – Mark 1:7-45

Zechariah 13:1-3

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for May 29, 2011

Begin Series in Mark

“Prepare the way of the Lord” – Mark 1:1-8

Daniel 7:9-14; 2 Kings 1:8 – Elijah

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for May 22, 2011

Guest Speaker: Dr. Jim Sibley

“God will Keep His Promises to Israel” – Romans 3:3-4

Introduction: Winston Churchill’s plan to end World War I – Take Istanbul and out-flank the Axis Powers to the northwest.

Istanbul, Bosphorus, & Dardanelles

Why didn’t the Lord tell us when He would return?
– So that we would be diligent in remaining faithful.

Too often scripture is misapplied as being about our own lives when, in fact, it applies only to the nation of Israel.

Jeremiah 29:11; Acts 1:8; Jeremiah 29:10.

Isaiah 49:15-16; Ezekiel 37:11, 36:24-26.

Zechariah 12:1-11; 13:1, 9.

Romans 3:3-4; 11:29

God, by keeping His promises to Israel, assures us that He will keep His promises to us.

Romans 15:8-13.

Colossians 4:14; Philemon 24 – Demas is called Paul’s fellow worker.
2 Timothy 4:6-10 – “Demas … has deserted me.”

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for May 15, 2011

Series in Colossians (Conclusion)

“Paul closes His Letter to the Colossians” – Colossians 4:18

Introduction: Abbazia della Tre Fontane in Rome, where Paul spent his last hours or days on earth.

Monastery Complesso dell’Abbazia Tre Fontane
Mamertine Prison (Carcere Marmertino)

The church was built on an old Roman dungeon,
where tradition says that Paul was beheaded.

Colossians 4:18 – “Remember my chains.”
Colossians 1:12-20 – “He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness … He is the image of the invisible God …”
Even though we have the above verses, we also have the verse that precedes them – “Remember my chains.”

Colossians 4:10-11 – Only three Jewish converts are with him.

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