Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 6, 2014

“How Shall We Then Live?” 1 John 2:28-3:3 Bible Study 04/06/14

After addressing the moral (dark/light), social (hate/love) and doctrinal (error/truth) dimensions of the Christian life, John moves forward with the purpose of providing strong encouragement and pointed application. Essentially, he answers the question: Informed of the light, love and truth of the gospel, how should one live presently? Armed with an awareness of the supremacy of the Father’s love and the certainty of His promises, live with a growing appreciation of your identity and destiny.

I. Cling to Jesus continually (2:28-29)
-transitional/shift verses

-abide now

-the righteousness-regeneration connection

II. Consider the quality of the Father’s love (3:1a)
-wrong response: entitlement

-right response: astonishment

III. Claim the reality of your new identity (3:1b-2a)
-a matter of reference

-a matter of reality

IV. Anticipate your final destiny (3:2b-3)
-to be like Jesus and to see Jesus

-anticipation as motivation for purification

-no “exemptions”

V. So what?
-Live every moment in light of the “moment” to come.

-Contemplation of conformity motivates commitment to purity. (D. E. Hiebert)

-“We are not to judge our lives by other peoples’ but by Christ’s, who is the standard or goal toward which we are to move.” (H. Hobbs)

-“There shall we see His face and never, never sin. There from the rivers of His grace drink endless pleasures in.” (I. Watts)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 30, 2014

“Treasuring the Truth” 1 John 2:18-27 Bible Study 03/30/14

Sincerity can be a commendable virtue, but something more than sincerity is required to make a thing true. There must be substance. For the believer, this ‘substance” is the objective standard of Holy Scripture. Faith in a lie inevitably leads to disaster. In contrast, faith grounded in truth is never misplaced. With this morning’s text, John directs us to the third mark or “test” of authentic faith. Previously, we examined the moral/light test and the social/love test. This morning we continue on to consider the doctrinal/truth test. John is fond of striking contrasts such as light/darkness, love/hate and truth/error. Our culture may be blurring the distinction between truth and error but God’s Word draws a timeless line of distinction between the two. Doctrine often gets a “bad rap” both outside and inside of the church. We must avoid the false idea that doctrine/teaching is disconnected from “practical” living. When time is short and truth is attacked, believers must respond with a commitment that includes profession and practice.

I. God’s Word expresses a distinction between truth and error (18-21)
-environment: last hour, antichrist/antichrists

-exit: departure of false teachers from the fellowship

-evaluation: fellowship, anointing, discernment

II. God’s Word exposes defective doctrine (22-23)
-denial: with reference to Christ

-damage: dishonor and deprivation

-determination: basic doctrinal test

III. God’s Word encourages an active defense (24-27)
-principle: “abide”- 6 times

-protection: Word and Spirit

IV. So what?
-Understand the danger of deficient thinking about Jesus.

-Communicate the exclusivity of Jesus with compassion and without compromise.

-Denial of Jesus deprives one of the Father.

-The Spirit of God never contradicts the Word of God.

-Beware of membership without meaning.

-Abiding enables intimacy and expectation.

-Cling to Jesus!

-“I love to tell the story, for those who know it best seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest. And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song, twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long.” (Katherine Hankey)

Here is the prayer adapted from John Piper that many have requested:

O Christ, take my son/daughter for your servant. Turn his/her heart to You. Obliterate rebellion from his/her heart. And may he/she grow to godly manhood/womanhood, full of love to You and to others. Let him/her not love the world nor give a hoot for things or praise. But may Your glory be his/her passion day and night until the Kingdom comes.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 23, 2014

“The Love God Hates” 1 John 2:12-17 Bible Study 03/23/14

As strange as it may sound, in some areas of life the concepts of love and hate are quite compatible. We have an explicit example of this in Psalm 97:10: “O you who love the LORD, hate evil!” We have another example in this morning’s text. The first part of 1 John 2 covers what the believer is to do and what he is to love. Now, in contrast to the ‘to do” emphases addressed previously, our text instructs us concerning what “not to do.” In essence, we are warned about the wrong kind of love, the love God hates. Because the world is passing away and has values opposed to God, reject it and pursue His will.

I. Grasp the status of the true believer living in this world (12-14)
-prelude: transitional six-fold statement

-identification of genuine Christians

-explanation of terms: little children, fathers, young men

-well-equipped for victorious living

II. Avoid attachment to this world (15)
-a clear prohibition

-understanding the use of “world” in this context

-an “excluding” love

III. Consider the contradictory character of this world (16)
-desires of flesh- sensuality

-desires of eyes -visual appeal

-pride of life- arrogant self-sufficiency

IV. Feast on the biblical promise (17)
-passing world system

-remaining “will-doing” believer

V. So what?
-Relish the reality of “blessed assurance.”

-Take pains to avoid an “illicit affair” with this world.

-Examine the stewardship of your personhood, perspective and possessions.

-Aim to view your present life through the lens of eternity.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 16, 2014

Guest speaker: David Norman
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity Student

“Jonah, the Rebellious Prophet” Jonah 1:1-17

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 9, 2014

“A Legacy of Love” 1 John 2:7-11 Bible Study 03/09/14

As obedience is the moral test of your Christian profession, John indicates that love is the social test of it. The love of which you are a recipient is a love which must be relayed. John longs for his readers to live lives that faithfully pass on to others what really matters. Specifically, this morning’s text is a challenge to live and leave behind a legacy of love. Those who know Jesus treasure Him supremely and love others lavishly.

I. Identify The Command
-love for my brother

-The command to love includes all others.

-Jesus personalizes the command to love.

II. Clarify The Command
-old but not obsolete

-new but not novel

III. Apply The Command
-capacity to reveal character

-Failure to love means being in, walking in and groping in darkness.

-Flourishing in love means light and sight.

IV. So What?
-“Love is the overflow of joy in God which gladly meets the needs of others.” (Piper)

-The believer needs both light in the head and heat in the heart. (adapted from Jonathan Edwards)

-“Will they say I loved my family, that I was a faithful friend, that I lived to tell of God’s own Son, when all is said and done?” (Geoff Moore)

-“Preach the gospel, die and be forgotten.” (Zinzendorf)

-What “story” is your life presently telling?

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 2, 2014

“By This We Know…” 1 John 2:3-6 Bible Study 03/02/14
This morning’s text addresses the very powerful and practical matter of the true knowledge of God. Remember that John is writing to an audience that is being besieged with false teachings about the person and work of Jesus and with false claims of those whose practice fails to match their profession. Notice that some form of the word “know” appears four times in this short passage. Also, note that John connects the concepts of knowing God and obedience to God. While introspection can become morbidly unhealthy, there is a definite place for careful self-examination in the Christian life. This text offers a valid “test” for all professing believers. Because obedience demonstrates the true knowledge of God, pursue the path of radical obedience.

I. God’s Word Offers Assurance (3)
-you can know God

-you can know that you know God

-you need advocacy and obedience

II. God’s Word Offers Instruction (3-6)
-keeping His commandments

-keeping His Word

-walking as He walked

III. So What?
-“For every look at self, take ten looks at Christ.” (R. M’Cheyne)

-“God is not to be otherwise enjoyed than He is obeyed.” (John Howe)

-Take care that your conduct does not contradict your claim.

-Are we obsessed with obedience or paralyzed by pettiness?

-Our lives: testimonies/advertisements of the value of knowing Jesus

-“I love Thee, I love Thee, I love Thee my Lord
I love Thee, My Savior, I love Thee my God
I love Thee, I love Thee, and that Thou dost know
But how much I love Thee, my actions will show.” (John Granade)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 23, 2014

“Meet Your Advocate” 1 John 2:1-2 Bible Study 02/23/14
This morning we will focus on two remarkably rich verses in 1 John. They are closely connected to and flow out of John’s emphases in 1 John 1:5-10. We are to have a biblical view of sin as well as a clear understanding of the appropriate biblical response to sin when it occurs in our lives. These two verses offer great comfort and assurance to the believer and invite him/her to prize the promise of the absolutely unique advocacy of Jesus Christ.

-Sin is always bad news.
-Three responses: denial, dismissal and despair
-Biblical balance: warning and consolation
-When sin threatens to paralyze you, remember the provision of an Advocate for you.

I. Consider your Advocate’s unceasing action
-“…we have…”

-Advocate: counsel for the defense, to speak up/lift up the voice in behalf of…

II. Consider your Advocate’s premium location
-“…with the Father…”


III. Consider your Advocate’s matchless qualification
-Jesus, Christ, righteous

-Every believer has an Advocate at all times in the best place who offers real help.

-the justification/sanctification connection

IV. Consider your Advocate’s prior substitution
-present advocacy based on prior activity

-propitiation: atoning sacrifice

V. So what?
-“The wisdom of God ordained a way for the love of God to deliver us from the wrath of God without compromising the justice of God.” (J. Piper)

-When you take the cross seriously, you take sin seriously.

-“Savior, teach me day by day, Love’s sweet lesson to obey, Sweeter lesson cannot be, Loving Him who first loved me.” (J. Leeson)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 16, 2014

Guest speaker: David Norman
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity Student

“Satisfaction Guaranteed” Colossians 2:8-10 Bible Study 02/16/14

Main Idea: Satisfaction is found only in the person and work of Christ.

I. False Teaching (Col 2:8)
II. Jesus (Col 2:9)
III. Faith (Col 2:10)

Questions for Reflection:

1. What false messages do I face daily?
2. Do I focus more on Jesus’ humanity or His divinity?
3. What hooks have taken hold of me?

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 9, 2014

“Walking in the Light” 1 John 1:5-10 Bible Study 02/09/14

This morning’s text addresses the subjects of God’s character, our sin and God’s forgiveness. Building on a foundational assertion of God’s nature/character (God is light…), John proceeds to make two crucial appeals to his readers. Believers are to walk in the light and address sin in their lives with sensitivity and honesty. When we grasp God’s character, we aim to advance in our walk and agree about our sin.


-sin: missing the mark, stepping out of bounds
-sin and the believer’s “family status”
-sin and the believer’s fellowship

I. Contemplate the character of God (5)

-proclamation with an emphasis on the receiver

-“light” in this context: the moral perfection of God

-John’s stylistic emphasis: positive/negative

-looking ahead: the threefold use of “if we say…”

II. Conform to the character of God (6-7)

-the use of “walk”

-the incompatibility of “darkness”

-two results of walking in the light: fellowship and cleansing

III. Confess your sin to God (8-10)

-avoiding self-deception

-confess: to “say with” or agree with God about your sins

-since God is “faithful and just…”

-forgiveness and cleansing

-a sobering warning

IV. So what?

-“The only way, according to John, we’ll ever hear from God the words, ‘You are forgiven,’ is if we speak the words, ‘I have sinned.’” (David Allen)

-You will either cover sin (Prov. 28:13) or confess sin (1 John 1:9).

-“He who cannot find water in the sea is not more foolish than the man who cannot perceive sin in his members.” (Charles Spurgeon)

-Grasp the malignancy of sin and the magnificence of grace.

-Two texts for walking in the light: Psalm 119:11 and Psalm 119:36-37

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 2, 2014

Teacher: Dr. Matthew McKellar
Associate Professor of Preaching/Chair of the Preaching Department
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

“Meet Jesus: God in Human Flesh” 1 John 1:1-4 Bible Study 02/02/14

This morning we begin our study of 1 John. Sadly, Christians often approach teaching concerning the person and work of Jesus in a way that may be classified as “Brylcreem Theology- a little dab will do you.” Too frequently, these people settle for half-truths which results in a half-hearted and often joyless outlook. The content of 1 John is a stirring reminder that one must think biblically and precisely about the identity of our Lord. John was one of our Lord’s original disciples. At the time of the writing of 1 John, he was likely the only surviving member of the original twelve. He was the human author of five of our New Testament books. We know that he spent his later years in Ephesus and that 1 John was written between A.D. 80-85. The letter is addressed to second and third generation Christians who populated the church at this time. Among the topics which appear prominently in the letter are the infiltration of false teachers, the danger of laxity in moral standards, the refutation of false teachings and the profound pastoral heart of John. With this background in mind, we turn our attention to 1 John 1:1-4 and its powerful presentation of Jesus. Because of the factual reality of Jesus Christ, believers can enjoy supernatural fellowship and superabundant joy.

I. Focus on the reality of Jesus Christ


II. The reality of Jesus Christ makes fellowship possible


III. The reality of Jesus Christ makes fullness profound


IV. So what?

-“Jesus was the only man who had a heavenly Father but no heavenly mother, who had an earthly mother but no earthly father; who was older than his mother and who was as old as his Father.” (R.G. Lee)
-Recognize the greatest problem in every culture.
-What you think about Jesus is the most important thing about which you can think.
-Biblical truth always precedes biblical fellowship.
-“There are but two lessons for a Christian to learn- the one is to enjoy God in everything, the other is to enjoy everything in God.” (Charles Simeon)

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