Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 15, 2014

“Love in the House” 1 John 4:19-21 Bible Study 06/15/14

After stressing that maturing love for God removes dread and gives confidence for the day of judgment, John turns his attention to the matter of how this maturing love has a profound impact on our relationships with other believers. Selfishness always backfires. It hurts individuals and churches. Most of all, it dishonors the Lord. This morning’s text clearly indicates that what honors the Lord is a love for others in the family of faith that flows out of His first love for us.

I. Practical love flows from prior love (19)



II. Visible disdain invalidates the verbal claim (20)



III. Christ’s commandment confirms the connection (21)


IV. So what?
-Remember that “membership” has its privileges and obligations.

-“What comes into a person’s mind when he thinks about God is the most important thing about that person.” (J. I. Packer)

-Celebrate the Lord’s initiative.

-Seize every opportunity to “testify to love.”

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 8, 2014

“Dread or Delight?” 1 John 4:17-18 Bible Study 06/08/14

After addressing repeatedly the staggering reality of God’s love for His children, John proceeds to focus on the believer’s love for God. In our text this morning, he asserts that maturing love for God meets the future day of judgment with confident assurance. When you are advancing in love, you can anticipate the future day of judgment with confident assurance.

I. Confidence flows out of your standing and sharing (17)

-a matter of rejoicing
-a matter of resembling

II. The love that displays confidence dispels fear (18)

-distinguish between prescribed fear and prohibited fear
-bask in the light of pardon
-banish the dread of punishment
-stand on the promises

III. So what?

-“O the pure delight of a single hour that before Thy throne I spend, when I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God, I commune as friend with friend.” (Fanny Crosby)

-What do others learn from your worship?
-How are you related to the Judge?
-Treasure His appearing and trust His atonement.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 1, 2014

Guest speaker: David Norman
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity Student

Never Too Far Gone – Jonah 2:1-9


• There is no depth __________________
for the grace of God v. 1-2

• Even if you’re experiencing God’s ______________________
v. 3-4

• Even as the darkness ______________________________
you v. 5-6

• ___________________________________________ v. 7-8

• belongs to the ______________________________
Lord v. 9

Main Idea:
No one has fallen too far to experience the salvation of
God. Call out to the Lord and you will be saved.

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 25, 2014

“Where God Is” 1 John 4:12-16 Bible Study 05/25/14
This morning’s text addresses the realm in which God resides. Of course, we know that God is omnipresent. However, the repeated use of the term “abide” in our text signals the specific concept of abiding/dwelling/being at home. It addresses the environment in which God is actively at work and particularly manifesting His supernatural power and presence. His heart beats with love for us and with the deep desire that we love one another. Because God is love, He resides where the atmosphere and activity of His love abound.

I. Connect the concepts

-believe (4:1-6)
-love (4:7-11)

II. Confirm the functions of love (12)

-furnishing proof
-fulfilling purpose

III. Consider the evidence (13-16)

-confirmation of the Holy Spirit
-confession of the truth
-continuance in love

IV. So what?

-“O to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be. Let Thy grace, Lord, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee.” (R. Robinson)
-A reminder from Amy Carmichael: “Beloved, let us love!”
-Acknowledge the stewardship issue of love.
-Keep this question at the forefront: How has God treated me?
-What contact do I need to make this week for the purpose of affirming love, extending forgiveness or showing grace?

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 18, 2014

“Amazing Love” 1 John 4:7-11 Bible Study 05/18/14
The term “amazing” regularly is overworked and overused in our culture. However, some matters remain truly amazing. We come to one of those matters in this morning’s text. God’s love for us is so amazing that it defies tangible linguistic expression. In 4:7-11, John returns for the third time in his letter to the subject of love. Here, he intensifies the discussion and elaborates on love’s source and supernatural accomplishment. God’s amazing love is the foundation and motivation for loving one another. Because God’s love is truly amazing, transmit it to others passionately.

I. Trace love to its source (7-8)

-definite origin
-distinctive attribute
-determining factor

II. Treasure love in its expression (9-10)


III. Transmit love to others (11)

-moral obligation

IV. So what?

-Those greatly loved love greatly.

-“And Can It Be” -Charles Wesley

-“As the bridegroom to His chosen, as the King unto His realm, as the keeper to the castle, as the pilot to the helm, as the captain to his soldiers, as the shepherd to his lambs; as the fountain in the garden, as the candle in the dark, as the treasure in the coffer, as the manna in the ark, as the firelight in the winter, as the sunlight in the spring, so Lord, art Thou to me.” -John Tauler

-“The bottom line is always red for the believer.” Lloyd Ogilvie

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 11, 2014

“The Truth Test” 1 John 4:1-6 Bible Study 05/11/14
Building off of His reference to the Spirit in 3:24, John offers readers of every age some indispensable insights for distinguishing the Spirit of truth from the spirit of error. In 4:1-6, he not only exhorts readers to exercise discernment but also gives them standards by which to do it. Because truth is a matter of life and death, we are called to exercise careful discernment. The merit of any message must be measured by the standard of Jesus Christ.

I. Obey the commands (1)
-stop believing and start testing

-objective: to determine origin/source

-urgency: presence of pseudo-prophets

-obligation: for all believers

-recognition: behind every statement is a spirit…

II. Apply the test (2-6)
-not your own invention

-message content: Christological, confessional and comprehensive

-audience character: from the world/from God…

-a striking contrast

-cause for confidence

III. So what?
-Affirm the existence of absolute truth.

-Refuse to let toleration trump truth.

-Recognize the error of minimizing the exclusivity of Jesus.

-Make the connection between biblical literacy and truth discernment.

-Don’t let false teaching pick your spiritual pocket.

-“Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight; Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight; Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower: Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.”
(Be Thou My Vision, attributed to Dallan Forgaill)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 4, 2014

“Blessed Assurance” 1 John 3:19-24 Bible Study 05/04/14

Earlier in 1 John 3, the beloved apostle has addressed the importance of obedience to God and love for others. Now, as he concludes his remarks in this chapter, he addresses his readers with great sensitivity. He knows they have been bombarded by false teachings and false lifestyles. He also knows that they, like us, inevitably deal with failure and doubt. Therefore, John offers some challenging yet comforting words of assurance. Assurance before God comes as you focus on His character and follow His commands.

I. Acknowledge the fact of assurance (19-20)

-a grounded life

-a soothed heart

II. Seize the privileges of assurance (21-22)

-freedom of speech

-fulfillment of desire

III. Return to the foundation of assurance (23-24)

-faith in Jesus

-love for others

-confirmation of the Spirit

IV. So What?

-“Assurance: the suburbs of paradise.” (Thomas Boston)

-Don’t miss the connection between assurance and obedience/love.

-“Obedience is the indispensable condition, not the meritorious cause of answered prayer. (John Stott)

-Remember that the human heart is never the final standard.

-“If the pump of love is dry, the pipe of prayer is not deep enough.” (John Piper)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 27, 2014

“Love Is The Theme!” 1 John 3:11-18 Bible Study 04/27/14

Having extolled the staggering reality of the Father’s love and after stressing the significance of practical righteousness, John proceeds to return to a prevailing theme in his writing-love. In our text this morning, he indicates that love is a distinguishing trait of God’s children and that its presence indicates that the Lord has worked in our lives in a saving way. Those in whom God’s love dwells actively extend His love to others.

I. Introduction
-What the world needs now is…

-Who or what defines love for you?

II. The absence of love leads to death (11-12)
-Go back to the beginning

-Cain butchered his brother!

-Righteousness provokes the hostility of the devil’s children

III. The presence of love indicates life (13-15)
-Love proves life

-A devastating progression: hate, murder, death

IV. The essence of love centers in self-sacrifice (16-18)
-Jesus offers a unique model

-Love displays itself in sacrificial action

-Love unleashes us to move beyond self-preservation to self-sacrifice

V. So what?
-We cannot afford to “drop the ball”

-Recognize the distinction between advancing your comfort and advancing His cause

-Enthrallment + Investment = Impact

-“…Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all.” (Isaac Watts)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 20, 2014

“Living Hope” 1 Peter 1:3-9 Bible Study Resurrection Sunday 04/20/14

Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, you can have a hope that never dies.

I. Introduction
-distinction: your temporary station and your eternal destination

-biblical hope: stabilization without stagnation

II. Living hope rests in a supernatural power (3)

-“The resurrection is God’s ‘amen’ to Christ’s statement ‘It is finished!’” (S. Lewis Johnson)

III. Living hope rests in a secure possession (4)

-four observations about your inheritance

IV. Living hope rests in a superior protection (5)

-the constant surveillance of omnipotence

V. Living hope rests in a sensitized perspective (6-7)

-three observations about your trials

VI. Living hope rests in an unseen and incomparable person (8-9)

-“Let us never live another day as if He were dead.” (Peter Marshall)

-“…He then is all my hope and stay…” (Edward Mote)

-“In You alone, dear Lord, we own
sweet hope and consolation:
Our shield from foes, our balm for woes,
our great and sure salvation.” (Joachim Magdeburg)

Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for April 13, 2014

“Proof of Ownership” 1 John 3:4-10 Bible Study 04/13/14

Many families and individuals today take special precautions and spend significant resources in order to protect their safety and health. In our text this morning, John is concerned with the spiritual safety and health of his beloved readers. Desiring to protect them from false views about a right relationship with God and the nature of sin, He “shoots straight” with them. He has just addressed the astonishing love of God and how one should “never get over it.” In this morning’s text, he continues to expand on what he previously wrote regarding purity and righteousness. His challenge then and now is that believers should never stop growing in obedience. Growing obedience to Jesus is a distinguishing trait of the true believer. Because being a child of God is incompatible with the practice of sin, pursue conformity to Jesus in every area of your life.

I. Answer two diagnostic questions
-What is your view of sin?

-What is your view of Jesus?

II. Grasp the seriousness of sin (4-6)
-attacks the glory of God

-violates the will of God

-dismisses the work of God

III. Acknowledge the source of sin (7-8a)
-it finds its source in the devil

-it dominates the lives of his children

-its deception must be avoided

IV. Abide in the One who delivers from sin (8b-10)
-He takes away sins

-He destroys the devil’s work

-He enables “family resemblance”

V. So what?
-“The believer may fall into sin but he will not walk in it.” (D. Smith)

-What “ships” do you need to burn?

-“Obedience is the best evidence of trust in God.” (F. B. Huey)

-“If you’re going to fight a war, you’ve got to have a uniform.” (Captain America)

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