Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for July 5, 2009

Guest speaker: Unknown

“Living in Light of Christ’s Humility” – Ephesians 4, 5; Philippians 2

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 28, 2009

Guest speaker: Christopher Graham

“Healing of the Gerasene Demoniac” – Mark 5:1-20

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 21, 2009

Series in Genesis

“Abraham Believed God” – Genesis 15

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 14, 2009

Series in Genesis

“Rescue of Lot & the Intervention of Melchizedek” – Genesis 14; Proverbs 27:21

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for June 7, 2009

Anniversary Message

“Symbolism in Abundance of Wine” – Isaiah 24:1-13; Micah 6:6-15;
Jeremiah 48:31-33; Amos 5:11; Isaiah 16:10;
Isaiah 25:6-9; Amos 9:11-15; John 2:1-11

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for May 24, 2009

Guest speaker: Jeremiah Mutie
DTS Phd candidate from Kenya

“Christianity in Africa & in Kenya”

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for May 17, 2009

Series in Genesis

“One Step in the Wrong Direction Leads to Another” – Genesis 13

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for May 10, 2009

Mother’s Day Message

“Christian Motherhood” – Luke 1:39-45, 8:19-21, 12:49-53, 14:25-27

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for May 3, 2009

Series in Genesis

“Abraham: Being Faithful in the Face of Uncertainty” – Genesis 12;

Joshua 24:1-2; Hebrews 11:8

Dr. Bingham’s Lesson for April 26, 2009

Series in Genesis

“The Tower of Babel” – Genesis 11

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