Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for December 11, 2022

Guest Speaker: Sherry Forester

The God of Holiness and Hope

Isaiah 5-6

The Situation (Isaiah 5)

v.1, 2, 7 Isaiah’s love song about Israel

v.8-22 God’s woes

v.8 Materialism, greed
v.11 Drunkenness, pleasure seeking
v.18 Defiant sinfulness
v.20 Moral perversion
v.21 Arrogant conceit
v.23 Corrupt leaders

God sees all sin.

v.24-26 God warns of judgment

God warns of judgment so people will repent.

The Sovereign (Isaiah 6:1-4)

v.1-4 God is sovereign, alive, authoritative, omnipresent, holy, omnipotent

God is forever on heaven’s throne and fully in control.

(1 Chronicles 29:11-12)

The Servant (Isaiah 6:5-13)

v.5-7 Isaiah’s conversion

v.8 Isaiah’s call and commitment

v.9-12 Isaiah’s commission

v.13 Isaiah’s comfort

God’s love gives hope for our world.

So what?

The God whose presence filled and shook the temple still rules the universe.

God’s sovereignty gives us comfort in the chaos of our days.

God is fully in control, and we can trust Him.

“O God our help in ages past, our hope for years to come…” (Isaac Watts)


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