Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 23, 2019

“The Mystery of Godliness”   1 Timothy 3:14-16   Bible Study   06/23/19

-Because the church is a supernatural entity with a supreme Head, communicate the truth accurately and cling to it tenaciously.


* connection to 2:1-3:13
* conception of the church
* confession of the mystery’s greatness
* chiastic structure and cumulative parallelism

1. Jesus: revealed and confirmed

• implied pre-existence
• unfathomable condescension
• acknowledged deity

2. Jesus: attended and extended

• presence of angels
• proclamation to peoples
• near and far

3. Jesus: believed and received

• trusted in the world below
• taken into glory above

-So What?

* “Lord, forbid that we would add to the avalanche of error spoken about Christ in the world.” (Piper)
* Hold fast to Jesus and abhor everything that dishonors Him.
* The truth: digest it, defend it, disseminate it, demonstrate it (Hendriksen)
* Determine to know Jesus better and to enjoy Him more.


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