Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for January 20, 2019

“From the Pit to the Palace”   Genesis 37   Bible Study   01/20/19

The last fourteen chapters of Genesis focus on the life of Jacob’s son, Joseph. The Lord’s sovereign supervision of his life was not without its share of intrigue and unexpected twists and turns. However, through it all, we see a man who is a model for believers in both his low and high moments.

1. The Lord’s selection of Joseph (37:1-11)

• a continuing theme: the blessing of the Lord
• Joseph’s report to his father
• Joseph’s robe from his father
• Joseph’s revelation from God

2. The Lord’s subjection of Joseph (37:12-35)

• favored son and hated brother
• dispatched by his father
• conspired against by his brothers
• Reuben’s intervention
• thrown into a pit
• sold into slavery
• the deception of his brothers and his father’s grief

3. The Lord’s protection of Joseph (37:36)

• preserved from death
• sold in Egypt to Potiphar
• imprisoned but later promoted (39:20-21 and 41:44)
• NT commentary: Acts 7:9-16
• connection to Christ

4. So What?

• Because the Lord is sovereign and merciful, you can trust him from the pit to the palace.
• Let the Lord’s promises guide you through the danger of adversity and detour of prosperity.
• Remember that the Lord is never a victim of circumstances.
• “The Lord hath promised good to me, His word my hope secures; He will my shield and portion be as long as life endures.” (J. Newton, 1779)


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