Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for August 6, 2017

“When ‘The Man’ Is You” Psalm 51:1-17 Bible Study 08/06/17

This morning we will focus on the best known of the seven “penitential” psalms (6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143). Psalm 51 includes a full confession of sin that is without parallel in any other psalm.

I. Background/Setting

-note the superscription
-confrontation by Nathan in 2 Samuel 12:1-15…
-following David’s sin with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11:1-5…
-and the murder of her husband, Uriah the Hittite (2 Samuel 11:14-15, 1 Chron. 11:41, 2 Samuel 11:27).

II. Return for Pardon (1-9)

-appropriation of the promise of forgiveness
-appeal to the merciful character of God
-sin: transgression, iniquity, sin
-forgiveness: blot, wash, cleanse
-acknowledgment of ultimate offense
-awareness of infection and urgent petition

III. Restoration of Purity (10-12)

-create and renew
-cast and take not
-restoration of joy and corresponding willingness

IV. Renewal of Purpose (13-17)

-instructional “evangelism”
-the tongue’s testimony of righteousness
-broken-hearted joy: the “eloquence” of brokenness

V. So What?

-When ‘the man’ is you, cling to the character of God as your sole cause for hope.
-Make the connection to Christ: Romans 3:21-26
-“Every sin is cosmic treason, an overthrowing of the One to whom you owe everything.” (T. Keller)
-“He goes safely who goes humbly.” (MacLaren)
-“The number of the psalmist’s sins drives him to contemplate the greater number of God’s mercies.” (MacLaren).


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