Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 9, 2016

“Resources for Reality” 1 Peter 3:13-22 Bible Study 10/09/16

Our text this morning focuses on the reality of suffering for believers. Specifically, it focuses on suffering that comes as a result of our commitment to and identification with Christ. In contrast to those who dismiss or deny outright the concept of a believer’s suffering, these verses treat it as something to both expect and embrace. Let the truths of Christ’s substitutionary death and triumphant resurrection motivate you to magnify His worth in your own suffering.

I. Catch the context

-between two “calls” to suffer
-3:13-17: Don’t fear and Do honor Christ…

II. Ponder the suffering of Christ (18)

-mindset of Christianity
-comfort or conquest?

III. Savor the sufficiency of Christ (18)

-died for sins
-died for unjust
-died once for all time
-died to bring us to God

IV. Reflect on the days of Noah (19-20)

-in the spirit
-proclamation to spirits now in prison
-encouragement and assurance

V. Consider the correspondence of baptism (21)

-flood and baptism
-not baptismal remission of sins
-appeal to God

VI. Rest in the reign of Christ (22)

-ascended and enthroned
-all subjected to Him

VII. So What?

-“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” (J. Elliot)
-“No wound? No scar? Yet as the Master shall the servant be, And pierced are the feet that follow Me. But thine are whole. Can he have followed far Who hast no wound or scar?” (A. Carmichael)


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