Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 6, 2015

“Let’s Start At the Very Beginning” Gen. 1:1; Rom. 1:20 Bible Study 09/06/15

Genesis 1-11 has rightly been called the “seedbed” of Scripture. In these chapters the reader finds the foundation for every doctrine essential to the Christian faith. As we begin our study of Genesis this morning, we will be reminded that one’s view of creation and, specifically, the Genesis account is the starting point of his or her entire worldview. Belief in a supernatural and personal God who made all things is the sole basis for believing you have any purpose or destiny.

I. Discover the first universal fact: God

-the Bible and the existence of God
-distinct and prior
-incommunicable attributes
-fact then act

II. Discover the first universal act: creation

-contrasting naturalism and the Bible
-functional summary: five elements
-“bara” and “ex nihilo” creation
-theater of God’s glory

III. Discover the first foundational issue: God’s glory

-radical God-centeredness
-glory: surpassing worth/value
-God’s pleasure in His creation
-Adore the Self-Exalting Architect!
-Recognize the creation/redemption connection


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