Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 19, 2015

Guest speaker: Greg Nelson
Master of Div. student at SWBTS

“An Invitation to Urgency?” Revelation 1:1-8 Bible Study 07/19/15

John the beloved disciple of Jesus, exiled on the Island of Patmos just off the coast of what is modern day Turkey, receives the Revelation of Jesus Christ and gives us several exhortations from our text today. He assures us that those who read the words penned in The Revelation will be blessed! He assures us that Jesus is the ALMIGHTY. He assures us that Jesus is returning! Finally, he clearly tells us that every tribe will make up the kingdom which Jesus has called us to.

I. Introduction

– Remaining Urgent
– Set the context (John, Island of Patmos, Revelation)

II. The Assured Blessing (1-3)

-Blessing because of Jesus
-Blessing because of the prophecy
– Blessing with a condition (heed the prophecy)

III. The Assured Savior (4-8)

– The Eternal savior (vs. 4)
– The Faithful witness (vs. 5)
– The Firstborn of the dead (vs. 5)
– The Ruler of the Earth (vs. 5)
– The Reigning Savior/King (V.5-6)
– The Coming King (V. 7-8)

IV. So what?

– If John is correct, then we as Christians must:
o Read and Heed the words of The Revelation
• There is a guaranteed blessing!
• It is crucial for remaining Urgent in our witness!
o Remain Urgent until Jesus returns!
• Let Jesus find you witnessing
• Share the gospel often and with everyone

V. What if you had the cure to cancer? Would you share it? Who would you share it with? Just your friends? Or would you go to the hospital and share it with everyone who was dying? The same is true about our knowledge of salvation. We would have to hate someone not to share it with them!
o If you were lost, and in need of saving, and the church down the street evangelized like you do, what are the chances that you would come to know Christ as a result of their evangelism?


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