Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for July 12, 2015

“What Does God Say?” 1 John 5:6-12 Bible Study 07/12/15

After addressing the victorious nature of faith in Jesus as the Son of God, John turns his attention to the reliability of the testimony concerning Him. Our text this morning has an intended two-fold effect. The first intention is to refute false teaching concerning the person and work of Jesus. The second intention is to reassure believers bombarded by false teachings that their faith in Jesus is well-grounded and has the Father’s divine stamp of approval. Jesus is the Son of God who provides eternal life to all who believe in Him. Because Jesus is who the Father says He is, rely on Him as your priceless treasure and sole source of life now and forever.

I. Introduction

-key term: witness/testimony
-key issue: person and work of Jesus

II. Grasp the character of the testimony (6-9)

-external: baptism and death
-internal: Holy Spirit

III. Recognize the consequences of response to the testimony (10)

-belief affirms
-unbelief assaults

IV. Confirm the content of the testimony (11-12)

-a granted gift, a present possession, a sole source
-to have the Son is to have life

V. So what?

-The “last” word on the Son proceeds from the Father who knows Him best.
-“Unbelief is not a misfortune to be pitied; it is a sin to be deplored.” -J. Stott
-“Do we long to see Jesus receive the honor due His name? Are we caught up into the gladness
that God has in the glory of the Son?” -J. Piper
-Unapologetically and lovingly declare the exclusivity of Jesus!


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