Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 21, 2015

“Treasuring the Truth” 1 John 2:18-27 Bible Study 06/21/15

Sincerity can be a commendable virtue, but something more than sincerity is required to make a thing true. There must be substance. For the believer, this ‘substance” is the objective standard of Holy Scripture. Faith in a lie inevitably leads to disaster. In contrast, faith grounded in truth is never misplaced. With this morning’s text, John directs us to the third mark or “test” of authentic faith. Previously, he has covered the moral/light test and the social/love test. This morning we continue on to consider the doctrinal/truth test. John is fond of striking contrasts such as light/darkness, love/hate and truth/error. Our culture may be blurring the distinction between truth and error but God’s Word draws a timeless line of distinction between the two. Doctrine often gets a “bad rap” both outside and inside of the church. We must avoid the false idea that doctrine/teaching is disconnected from “practical” living. When time is short and truth is attacked, believers must respond with a commitment that includes profession and practice.

I. God’s Word expresses a distinction between truth and error (18-21)

-environment: last hour, antichrist/antichrists
-exit: departure of false teachers from the fellowship
-evaluation: fellowship, anointing, discernment

II. God’s Word exposes defective doctrine (22-23)

-denial: with reference to Christ
-damage: dishonor and deprivation
-determination: basic doctrinal test

III. God’s Word encourages an active defense (24-27)

-principle: “abide”- 6 times
-protection: Word and Spirit

IV. So what?

-Understand the danger of deficient thinking about Jesus.
-Communicate the exclusivity of Jesus with compassion and without compromise.
-Denial of Jesus deprives one of the Father.
-The Spirit of God never contradicts the Word of God.
-Beware of membership without meaning.
-Abiding enables intimacy and expectation.
-Cling to Jesus!

-“I love to tell the story, for those who know it best seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest. And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song, twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long.” (Katherine Hankey)

Here is the prayer adapted from John Piper that many have requested:

O Christ, take my son/daughter for your servant. Turn his/her heart to You. Obliterate rebellion from his/her heart. And may he/she grow to godly manhood/womanhood, full of love to You and to others. Let him/her not love the world nor give a hoot for things or praise. But may Your glory be his/her passion day and night until the Kingdom comes.


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