Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for June 14, 2015

“Meet Your Advocate” 1 John 2:1-2 Bible Study 06/14/15

This morning we will focus on two remarkably rich verses in 1 John. They are closely connected to and flow out of John’s emphases in 1 John 1:5-10. We are to have a biblical view of sin as well as a clear understanding of the appropriate biblical response to sin when it occurs in our lives. These two verses offer great comfort and assurance to the believer and invite him/her to prize the promise of the absolutely unique advocacy of Jesus Christ.


-Sin is always bad news.
-Three responses: denial, dismissal and despair
-Biblical balance: warning and consolation
-When sin threatens to paralyze you, remember the provision of an Advocate for you.

I. Consider your Advocate’s unceasing action

-“…we have…”

-Advocate: counsel for the defense, to speak up/lift up the voice in behalf of…

II. Consider your Advocate’s premium location

-“…with the Father…”

III. Consider your Advocate’s matchless qualification

-Jesus, Christ, righteous
-Every believer has an Advocate at all times in the best place who offers real help.
-the justification/sanctification connection

IV. Consider your Advocate’s prior substitution

-present advocacy based on prior activity
-propitiation: atoning sacrifice

V. So what?

-“The wisdom of God ordained a way for the love of God to deliver us from the wrath of God without compromising the justice of God.” (J. Piper)
-When you take the cross seriously, you take sin seriously.
-“Savior, teach me day by day, Love’s sweet lesson to obey, Sweeter lesson cannot be, Loving Him who first loved me.” (J. Leeson)


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