Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for May 24, 2015

“Malpractice or Magnification?” Malachi 2:10-16 Bible Study 05/24/15

I. Introduction

-context: priestly failure of 2:1-9
-connection: defective worship and decline in morality

II. Discern the dishonor of “mixed” marriage (2:10-12)

-the prohibition
-violation of an intimate bond/covenant
-weighty sentence

III. Discern the dishonor of divorce (2:13-16)

-loss of “favor”
-reason: faithlessness
-the marriage “mystery”
-goal of godly offspring
-take care!!!
-why God “hates” divorce

IV. So what?

-Because God designs marriage to be a reflection of His covenant faithfulness, magnify His character in your marriage.
-Relish God’s reputation.
-View marriage as a “window…” (Eph. 5:22-33)


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