Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for March 29, 2015

There was an equipment malfunction today. Only about 11 1/2 minutes of today’s lesson was successfully recorded.

“Compassion for Lost People” Obadiah 1-4, 10-17 Bible Study 03/29/15

The prophecy of Obadiah concerns the judgment which was to come for the nation of Edom. The prophecy is closely connected to the time period (587 B. C.) when judgment came upon Judah through the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians. Edom was populated by the descendants of Esau, Jacob’s twin-brother. Located south of Judah, Edom was spared from the judgment that came with the overthrow of Jerusalem. The key prophetic contention with Edom is its actions/attitudes of disdain toward the people of Judah during the Babylonian invasion. Obadiah warns the Edomites that their judgment is coming. They had been the recipients of compassion and mercy from a God they did not worship. They would be held accountable for their lack of compassion and their caustic pride. In every generation, recipients of mercy should be compelled to show mercy to those in the midst of divine judgment. Judgment against the guilty should evoke compassion and mercy from those who are recipients of grace.

I. Avoid arrogance (1-4)

-Obadiah’s vision
-the Jacob/Esau relationship
-judgment “as good as done”
-the prideful brought down

II. Guard against gloating (10-14)

-coming humiliation for Edom in verses 5-9
-covering of shame
-eight clear prohibitions

III. Acknowledge accountability (15-16)

-day of the LORD
-drinking from the cup of wrath

IV. Claim the promise (17)

-Mount Zion
-holy restoration
-connection to Christ
-1 Peter 5:5-7


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