Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for February 1, 2015

“Do Your Appointed Part” Nehemiah 7:1-8 Bible Study 02/01/15

After the tremendous accomplishment of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah does not suffer from a leadership let-down. Because his focus is on the God who enabled the wall to be rebuilt, he does not make an idol out of the wall itself or the sense of accomplishment connected with its completion. He clearly understands that, without effective leadership, great success may be followed by colossal failure. Therefore, as we turn to Nehemiah 7, we see a leader who is moving forward to address the long-term needs of the returning Jewish community in Jerusalem. Two key concerns are emphasized-the security of the city and the repopulation of the city. For Nehemiah, these concerns are connected closely and addressing them demands a commitment to connectivity and cooperation. Because the accomplishment of God’s purpose matters most, invest yourself in serving alongside others for His glory.

I. Understand the context of cooperation

-Eccl. 4:9-12
-Eliashib 3:1
-a notable exception: nobles from Tekoa 3:5
-Rephaiah and Shallum 3:9-12
-Malchijah 3:14

II. Observe the team-approach for security (7:1-3)

-door installation
-gatekeepers, singers and Levites…
-Hanani and Hananiah: faithful and God-fearing
-an ancient neighborhood watch

III. Observe the God-ordained strategy for repopulation (7:4-8)

-an underpopulated and vulnerable city
-census of returning exiles
-genealogical significance
-“…my God put it into my heart…”

IV. So what?

-Understand the validity of “every-member ministry”
-Set aside personal preference for the greater objective of participation in God’s purpose
-Remember that “it’s always too soon to quit”
-Celebrate the validity of glad-hearted biblical submission
-Never forget your ultimate “audience’


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