Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 23, 2014

“A Psalm for Thanksgiving 2014” Psalm 69:30-32 Bible Study 11/23/14

The case may be made on the basis of this Psalm alone that the purpose of human existence is to praise God. While this comes as a shock to our man-centered sensibilities, Scripture shows that the longing of all true believers is to magnify the God of their salvation. Thanksgiving that pleases the Lord proceeds from people who relish their role as receivers.

I. Introduction

-two parts of 18 verses each
-messianic psalm
-the human author-David: afflicted and in pain
-the lily among thorns

II. Genuine gratitude honors the Lord

-our confession: weakness of longing
-the part for the whole: the Lord’s name
-called to be telescopes
-how gratitude magnifies the Lord

III. Genuine gratitude honors the Lord more than horns and hoofs

-maturity and purity of sacrifice
-the subtle sin of self-exaltation
-the antidote to arrogance in worship: thanksgiving

IV. Genuine gratitude encourages others to honor the Lord

-the humble: exhausted from pulling at their own bootstraps
-the testimony of a song in the furnace
-the Lord’s demand: cease to be great in your own eyes
-relish your role as a receiver this Thursday


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