Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for November 9, 2014

“Mission 1:8 and Gospel Urgency” 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Bible Study 11/09/14

On This day of commitment, it is particularly appropriate that we examine Paul’s parting instructions to Timothy, his “son” in the faith. With external opposition from an unbelieving world, the knowledge that Christ will return and the reality that death is coming, how should the Lord’s servant respond? The counsel given here certainly addresses those called by God to preach. However, its application has implications for all believers. In light of the inestimable value of the Gospel and the reality of eternity, convey the Gospel message with urgency.

I. Consider the context

-godlessness in the last days
-authority and sufficiency of Scripture
-from abiding in doctrine to proclaiming doctrine

II. Ponder the preface (1)

-presence of God and of Christ Jesus…
-who is to judge…
-by His appearing/kingdom

III. Grasp the key command (2)

-“preach the word” with timeless urgency
-nature: herald-isao, reprove, rebuke and exhort
-content: all of Scripture/message of redemption in Christ

IV. Anticipate the coming apostasy (3-5)

-rejection of “healthy” teaching
-the “itch” of a passion-based appetite
-contrast: “As for you…fulfill…”

V. Focus on the finish line (6-8)

-drink and departure
-the “beautiful” fight and the “race” of faith
-“crown”…to all who have loved his appearing.
-past, present and future

VI. Closing thoughts

-Can you bow before the Crucified in humble adoration and not wish to see your Monarch Master of the world? (Spurgeon)
-In a matter so solemn as that of representing God to men as His ambassador, diversions are perversions. (A. T. Pierson)
-You can’t preach it like it is if you don’t believe it like it was. (V. Havner)
-We leave you in that blessed dependency, to hang upon Him that hung upon the cross. (J. Donne)


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