Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for October 5, 2014

“Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals” Ex. 15:22-26 Bible Study 10/05/14

This morning we will examine a name which is a powerful example of the progressive revelation of God meeting every need as it arises in the experience of His people. He reveals Himself as the One who saves, sustains, strengthens and sanctifies. The historical setting for this name is the wilderness experience of God’s people in Exodus 15. In 1 Corinthians 10, we also find Paul referring back to this setting and its enormous instructive implications. Since the Lord reveals Himself as the ultimate Healer, you can experience His healing and extend it to others.

I. The valley of defeat often follows the mountain of victory

-baby steps in the desert
-from delight to discontent

II. You need healing physically and spiritually

-the Lord’s power to heal
-the Lord’s priority in healing

III. Respond to the message of Marah

-the right frequency
-the right focus
-the right following
-survey the cycle: abundance, expectation, disappointment, complaint, provision

IV. The Lord, the only source of wholeness, turns the bitter to sweet

-the appetite of Egypt
-tree to tree connection
-healing in this house


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