Dr. McKellar’s Lesson for September 7, 2014

“El-Elyon: God Most High” Gen. 14:17-24 Bible Study 09/07/14

This morning we will consider a second name of God which receives significant emphasis in the OT. As Abram rescues Lot and has a meeting with the mysterious Melchizedek, we encounter repeated references to El-Elyon, or God Most High. This name is in itself an invitation to rest in the truth that God alone is the sovereign King of the universe. In his challenging circumstances, what Abram most needed was to learn the practice of living in God’s presence. He needed to see all of life in relation to Him and to look to Him alone as Commander, Defender and Rewarder. Because the Lord is the sovereign King of the universe, bring your insufficiency to Him and live in the light of His complete sufficiency.

I. Recognize a key distinction

-He stands apart from all supposed Gods
-238 times in the OT: high, lifted up, lofty, exalted
-combination of comfort and challenge

II. Ask the critical questions

-your decisions: based on sight or faith?
-your victories: who gets the credit?
-your perspective: staggered beneficiary or functional universalist?

III. Apply the truth of El-Elyon

-incentive for evangelism
-foundation for faith
-demonstration of commitment

-“Any blessing that is lasting is a blessing that is contained in some new discovery of God.” (H. Lockyer)


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